For who?

SCENARIchain is intended for organizations (school, administration, company...) and professionals willing to organize the production of their information (technical, legal, procedural and educational).

For what?

SCENARIchain is a system for the production of information and the publication of documents which:

  • assists the authors in the writing of textual, interactive and multimedia contents,

  • makes easier structuring the content in recombinable chunks,

  • instruments the collaborative process of a team,

  • automates the publication of documents in several formats for different channels (online, mobile, print...).

Which software to choose?

SCENARIchain can be implemented in two ways:

For a use


The contents are...

professional, individual

in desktop mode

stored on the local hard disk

collaborative, in an organization

in client-server mode

centralized, shared and stored on a server

For your own needs, you can install a standalone Scenari desktop application:

Specific features


MyScenari - desktop application

Business application




OptimOffice, Opale, Dokiel

Available document models

All of them

OptimOffice, Opale, Dokiel

Only one, the one from the publishing chain

Available extensions, skins

All of them

OptimOffice : SimpleSite, TileSite,

All the skins (to install yourself)

Extensions of the publishing chain and the available skins

Installation mode

In two steps:

  • Install the application

  • Install wsppacks

In only 1 step

In only 1 step


Suggested updates of the application

Manual updates of the wsppacks, to your convenience.

Automated updates management

Automated updates management

The common software, of reference, allowing to do everything

Recommended to discover and use the main Scenari publishing chains!

Perfect for beginners

  • Relevant if you think about using only one publishing chain.

  • Can also be a structuring mode: one application - one use.

Truc & astuce

SCENARIchain-desktop makes easier the installation of business document models (OptimOffice, Opale, Dokiel): a simple click on a link in its homepage can install the model and create your first workspace.


The choice of an application is completely reversible!

You can transfer without difficulties your contents to another Scenari application.

You just have to make sure of the versions compatibility.

Truc & astuceMyScenari : aller plus loin avec le service en ligne

For the members of the Scenari association (to join: go on the membership page of the Scenari association), MyScenari enables you to log in to an online account in order to have your own production and distribution Scenari server.

This account enables you to work on your own or with several people in the same workspace and to share your documents in a personal Scenari depot.